Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jaden's Brain Surgery has been scheduled...

Got the call that we have been praying about tonight...James and I will meet with Jaden's NeuroSurgeon this Wed Oct 28 and his brain surgery is scheduled for Fri Oct 30 he will be getting another shunt called Cyst Peritoneal Shunt IMRI we will know more when we meet with them Wed..Please Pray this will be surgery #15....


  1. We are praying for the coming days and the doctor's wisdom! Praying that this will be the last one!!!

  2. Continuing to pray for your sweet boy. Oh girly....I remember all the meetings with the neuro-surgeon and his team. One one of Makenna's surgery days I received the sweetest card. I still have it on my fridge. It was of a team of surgeons leaning over the operating table. Jesus was standing behind the surgeon with his hands on him....guiding his every move. I held that card with me and pictured the same thing was happening for Makenna.
    We will be praying for ALL of you on 10/30

  3. I am so thankful you finally have a date so that all of Jaden's prayer warriors can be sending our love to you. OK, #15, I am with you...that is more than enough. Believing this one is it...done...finished!

  4. I just got caught up on your most recent posts, but please know I am always asking Susan about you all and I'm always praying for sweet Jaden boy.
