Monday, October 12, 2009

Saying Goodbye is always so hard....

Michelle and Granny

Aunt Marie and Michelle

Jaden playing Pat-A-Cake with Aunt Marie

Jimbo and Granny

This kiss sure surprised her....

James and Granny

Granny sure loved this little kiss...

This was our Photo Shoot with Granny and Aunt Marie before they left to go back home to Texas....Our hearts was so sad because we hated to say Goodbye not knowing if this would be our last time to ever get to see Granny again....You just never know...We had a great time with them during their stay and we are already longing for our next visit together...Hoping to be able to come to Texas for our next visit....These pictures are priceless....

1 comment:

  1. You will treasure them forever! You can see the joy in Granny's face!
