Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Please help us pray......

Got some bad news today, Jaden's MRI showed that the brain cyst they drained back in June has never drained and is still compressing his spinal cord... The doctor has to review the MRI with another team of surgeons and figure out a plan...It's so serious because lack of blood flow to his legs could possibly paralyze him, this will be his 9th Brain Surgery and James and I are at a loss and so scared....he has been through enough...Please remember to pray for our baby......


  1. James and Kacey,

    Josh and I are praying for all 3 of you.


  2. We are praying so hard!!!! We love you!

  3. Our hearts are broken over the results and will be on our knees covering you all with our prayers! We love you!

  4. Your family and sweet Jaden are in my thoughts and prayers! We are believing in a miracle for this little boy!

  5. You will be in our every prayer!!

    Brad and Samantha

  6. I am so sadden by this news as well. You are right, he has been through too much. I cannot imagine how tough it is watching your baby go through these are always in my thoughts and prayers. I am praying for the team of doctors that will be reviewing Jaden's case. May God give them a wisdom that will perform miracles!
