Monday, November 2, 2009

In Our Time Of Trouble...

As James and I pray, we find that the Lords incomparable peace overshadows all of our worries and fears. So thankful He's our Hiding Place and when we call upon Him in truth He's our Song of Deliverance. No matter how bleak things seem we know that He'll never let the righteous fall...


  1. James and Kacey,
    I truly admire your strength in such tough times and the fact that you never lose faith. We pray for you constantly.


  2. I know it might be hard to get to the computer and post updates and especially to post emotions. I thank you for each post you do. Even though we have never met, I am able to read your words and see the pictures and it helps make my prayers so personal and purposeful for you, James and Jaden. You are covered in prayer always...
