Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jaden's CP Brain Shunt Stay / Update

Jaden's Neuro Surgeon came in last night and said that we needed to bring Jaden home to recover since he hadn't had anymore IV morphine. Urine, sats, heart rate, and blood pressure was all stable. The risk of him catching something on top of this major brain surgery would be life threatening. He is extremely weak but we are home. PRAISE THE LORD!!! We go back the day before Thanksgiving to have all of his stitches removed.

Jaden slept pretty good through the night and is acting more and more like his self. He is Still so weak. He can only stand to be out of bed about 15 minutes.

We thank everyone so much for all their daily prayers and especially through this last surgery.

Jaden and daddy

Jaden trying to play patty-cake

Jaden's boo boo

Jaden's IV

Jaden looking at mommy

Jaden's shunt incision
(the shunt went through the brain stem and into the cyst)

Jaden just hanging out, being so strong

Jaden's Mr. Puppy has the same boo boos as him
(puppies IV)

puppies shunt and belly incision

Jaden and Mr. Puppy scheming on how to break out of the hospital

Partners in crime

"Hey puppy, maybe my paci will help us get out of here"

Jaden using his fingers to make noises with his lips

Pain medicine kicking in

Tummy incision (this is where the tunneled tubing from
the shunt goes into his stomach cavity)
We are very thankful and so blessed that the Lord has carried us through yet another mighty storm and now we are on the other side of this. Just trusting in him for a full recovery without any complications and that this is and will be the last surgery ever....As Thanksgiving draws near, James and I were praying so hard we would be home for this great Holiday and it's just only 4 days after his surgery we got to come home...Praise the Lord..We are clinging to this verse
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you
I Thessalonians 5:18


  1. Praise the Lord! I'm so glad to hear ya'll were able to come home so early. Sweet lil Jaden is so strong. Your entire family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! God Bless

  2. Precious boy...could he be any sweeter! Always the strong one. Praying for healthy days ahead!

  3. I just cried looking at the pictures. There's something so sweet and tender with Jaden and his daddy on those pictures. Like the feeling must be so strong to want to hold your little boy after surgery and never let him go. I am so happy you are home and we are praying for everyone's strength during recovery.

  4. Such a strong little boy! It is so hard to see pictures of him at the hospital, knowing what all he has endured. It is good to know you are home and he is on the road to recovery. We continue to pray daily for you all. We love you.

  5. We are so proud of Jaden for coming through yet another surgery like a champ. Our prayers are with all of you every single day!
