Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2009

Jaden's 2nd Christmas
Santa left Jaden a note along with an empty plate and glass.....He must have really liked those chocolate chip cookies Jaden made for him....
Christmas Morning...Look at all those presents Santa left for Jaden....He's been super good all year....

Jaden looking at his presents that Santa left for him....

posing for our early morning Christmas Picture...we were still half asleep....

The Big Box was a new Big Boy CarSeat...

Look how happy he was....


look at that smile....

touching his new toy....

thinking about tearing the paper....

another new toy.....

Christmas at Mammaw Brenda and Pappaw Jerry's

Jagger opening his gift we got him....

wow some new tools...

and a work apron.....

Jenna opening hers.....

Justin opening his....
some tools too....

Heather opening hers.....

Jagger opening his stocking we got for him....
was so sad that he wasn't able to open it at our house the night Santa came because he was sick and couldn't come...maybe next year....

Brenda and Jerry opening their gift that we all went in together to give to them....

a Tapestry of all the grandkids minus one.....It turned out perfect.....I cried when I opened it up, when it came to my house in the mail....Now you know what I'm asking for next year for Christmas.....

a photo book of all the pictures we took in the fall of the grandkids....It was so hard keeping a secret of our Secret Photo Session.....Then picking the perfect picture for the tapestry was even harder because they all turned out so good.....

Jaden opening his gifts.....after our early christmas morning at home when we got to mammaw and pappaws he was ready for a long Christmas Day nap....he was so tired, he slept until everyone had he got to open up all his presents last....

wow that's a big one....

he got a MP3 shaker from Uncle Jerry and Aunt Janay and the kids....He got some new books from mammaw and pappaw....

A star stacker from Uncle Thomas and Aunt Michelle and the kids....

trying to eat the paper....
Christmas Night at my Mom and Dads

Jaden waiting on his yummy mashed potatoes, green beans, and meat loaf
that mammaw cooked for us.....she's the best....

Jaden's new Camo Boots uncle Tim got for him.....

Shelby opening her gift from us....

Nate opening his....

love the shirt that Mammaw Theresa and Pappaw Henry got for Jaden...It fits him to a big T.....It's never too cold for Ice Cream......wonder where he gets that from?????

Dad opening his gift...I drew his name this year.....

Jaden and Nate

Kelsey, Kim and Pat

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