Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas from the McIntires....

James, Jaden, and I was so excited to look out our front door and see this package sitting on our front porch...It's been so cold lately that during the day I haven't been opening the front door...When James came home from work he opened it up to look outside and there it was...

we opened the package up and this was what was inside...

Take Along Tunes...Jaden absolutely loves his new toy from Robert, Susan, Blake, and Barrett...

he loves all the fun songs on it....

playing with the wrapping paper...

James and I opened up the other present inside together....As soon as I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a Blog Book, we just looked at each other and said "oh my goodness" we continued to unwrap it....And yes that's exactly what it was, our very own Blog Book of Jaden's Name Gallery....Susan and I had talked about her finding a way to forward all the postings from her blog to mine, but we never really had the conversation again...I never forgot about the Name Gallery but didn't think at all that she would have taken the time to put this all together by herself....We know exactly how hard it was and how much time it must have taken for her to put this all together for us for Christmas....A Christmas Present that we will treasure the rest of our lives....

from page to page we was reminded of all the people that prayed for us during last years surgeries...It's so amazing to look back and see how the Lord was with us every step of the way...

When Jaden's big enough to understand, can't wait to be able to read this book to him and show him all the love and support that we all had during one of the hardest years of our lives....


  1. We are glad you liked it! Sorry about the couple of fuzzy pictures! We hate that we are so far away from you all when you have been hurting so deeply. It was only a small token of our love for you guys! Jaden's gift reminded us of how much he loves to listen to songs on your cell phones :)
