Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jaden's First Time Being In The Snow

Our 2nd Big Snowfall of the year....
The longer and harder I thought about all the beautiful snow that we got the more and more I wanted take Jaden out in it......With this being his first time ever having any part of SNOW I knew that I would have to SUPER Bundle him up and take some really quick pictures....I worried so much that it would make him sick and all that kind of stuff and my sister told me that If I didn't take him out in it, she was going to....So I thought about it all last night and as the snow was falling down, how quickly it started accumulating I knew it was gonna be the perfect time and day to introduce the snow to Jaden for the first time even if it was only for five minutes........

Jaden all bundled up....He was loving those new mittens we got him for Christmas...He was trying to eat them....
Our back Walk-Out...the snow drifts was 17 inches deep.......

Our first pictures of Jaden sitting in the snow......

love this one of him......

Notice the Camo coat and Camo boots....the Camo coat was Jagger's when he was little that James and I bought for him and the Camo boots he got this Christmas from Uncle Tim Tim....

love seeing those two shiny white front teeth....Makes him look so BIG.....

~To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold~


  1. I love your photography! Jaden looks so cute bundled up!

  2. His boots are perfect for the snow! So glad you decided to take him out in it for a minute... looks like he had fun!

  3. How fun! Love the pictures...they are awesome! The jacket looks good on Jaden:) Glad he gets to wear it!!!
