Saturday, January 9, 2010

Our first visit with Hensley Kylan Ann

Hensley all snuggled up in her mommies arms....
Tess the rewards of being a mom are priceless...carefree cuddles and sweet slobber kisses. Silly giggles and chubby-toe wiggles. Arms that hold you tight and sweet prayers good night. Unconditional love and a new view of God above...You'll be the prettiest mom in the world to one set of little eyes. You'll nurture Hensley under your motherly intuition and guidance. Your way will be the best way - at least to one tender heart. You'll receive lessons on trust, forgiveness, and unconditional acceptance at no additional cost.
We have only this moment sparkling like a star in our hand...and melting like a snowflake.
Let us use it before it is too late...
~Marie Benyon Ray~

her little pink bow in her hair...

laying in her bed...

I was holding her here and I asked her if she wanted to go home with Aunt Kacey and she gave me the biggest smile....

Jaden visiting with his new little cousin...
he loves her already...he just patted her little face....

My first diaper change with Hensley....she's so little

Uncle James snuggling her up....
As I sat and held Hensley my mind drifted back 21 months to when Jaden was first born and how he was a whole month before I ever held him in my arms for the first time...Hensley was the same size as Jaden when he was born and I imagined just for a couple of moments that she was him in my arms and how incredible she felt to be all snuggled up to me, without all the tubes, wires, cords, IV's and Vent tubing...I was scarred to death the first time holding Jaden, couldn't get him out of level because of the brain drain in his head that was helping the blood to escape through...How I prayed that I would do anything to trade places with my little baby if I could. I felt so helpless and realized that I had no control over the situation. All I knew to do was give him completely to the Lord and have faith that His plan is divine.
With tears streaming down my face, I thanked the Lord for blessing me with Jaden, and I thanked Him for giving me a glimpse of the love I know He has for all His children. I asked the Lord that we will get to have the joy in raising Jaden and Hensley both to be a man and woman of God. All I prayed for His will....I've learned so much through this terrible ordeal. I realize that I don't have any control over my life and my family as I thought I did. And I'm actually better for knowing it. I am so relieved to let God be in control. I'm going to appreciate what I have and be thankful for the blessing of motherhood along with all the joys and sorrows it may bring....
My mom had shared with me she would of never dreamed having to go through two of her daughters going through similar situations with their babies being born...Thankfully Hensley's heart is gonna be ok without the help of having open heart, her little hole is gonna close off as she grows. But as I sat beside Tess in her hospital room without her little one being beside her I just looked at her and said I know exactly how you feel...She only had to wait till New Years Day to get to hold Hensley and Oh what a great way she started off her new year with holding her baby in her arms for the first time....
I know the Lord does all things well and if for some reason I went through all this just to be able to be a help to my little sister, we will never know on this side of eternity....I just praise HIM for this storm...
~Every good and perfect gift -including the wonder of a newborn baby- is a heavenly blessing from the Lord~

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kacey, what an inspiring post. So many things to say... Hensley is precious and surrounded by so much PINK!!! Something our family knows nothing about! Your words are heartbreaking yet so inspiring at the same time. To know that you and James have gone through (and still continue to face) something so huge and life changing, and still come out singing praises to God... such a testimony to all of us of TRUE faith and trust in our savior. We love you and pray earnestly for you.
