Saturday, March 27, 2010

Surgery Day Scheduled

This coming Thursday April 1st Jaden will undergo his 16th major Surgery...Wanted to post some MRI images of the cyst that surrounds Jaden's Brain Stem....These images are from October of last year before the shunt was placed...the cyst since then has gotten larger and we haven't received a copy of the current MRI images...

The surgeon wanted to give us copies of the cyst just to remind us that there is a God in Heaven looking after Jaden because looking at all these MRI images he should not be able to be doing the things that he currently has been doing.....Smiling, Laughing, Babbling, and just being his little happy truly is a miracle that he can even be doing any of these things with something so huge in his brain...He truly does not know what "Feeling Good" means.....he's never been able to have a day like this just yet.....That's our biggest desire and prayer to the Lord, that one day...someday soon Jaden will get to experience a day where he can feel good without this cyst causing him so much grief....he tries so hard to be happy and can't even begin to imagine how he must really feel with the cyst being in there....

He also shared with us that if the only signs that Jaden is showing of this cyst is not wanting to bear weight on his little legs and not wanting to sip Mr. Cuppy, then to take that as a blessing because it should be much worse...after he told us these things our hearts rejoiced that God is taking care of him...just have to go in all these get the shunt to work...please help us pray that it's just the valve that sits behind his little ear that’s not working and that would explain why the cyst is not draining...Dr Moriarty is very hopeful that it's just the valve....but he will not know for sure until he goes in and tests each piece....the less risky would be the valve and he said that he would replace it with a bigger one that is more efficient with high protein levels...the protein in the spinal fluid is what causes the shunts to malfunction....If it's not the valve then he will have to go back in the brain and all the tissue to figure out why the shunt is not working....possibly having to move the shunt to a new location and this would require more invasive procedures of drilling the skull and more tubing down into his stomach......If it's just the valve then he can just place a new one and hook it up to the tubing that's already placed in Jaden's stomach cavity.....

Just like the song....We will move ahead bold and confident....while we're waiting, We will serve YOU, while we're waiting, We will trust YOU.....that's an AWESOME glad to have such caring friends and family that pray for us each day ....every step of the way...that's what is getting us thru this.....We love each and everyone so much and thank you just isn't enough.....The Lord will bring us thru this just trusting Him as we wait...


  1. Thank you so much for posting this information. It will help us know exactly what we need to pray for and what we need to thank God for! Please know that we are praying intently for you all! We love you!

  2. We are continuing our praising, praying and believing...

  3. We love you all so much!!! With God all things are possible!! Look at my little miracle!! Peace be with you all!! God has and will always watch over this special little warrior of his!!..If He brings you too it...He will bring you through it!!..We Love you and we are continuing to pray HARD!!
