Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2 week Post-Op Update

home from Kosair and Jaden's follow-up Appointment with Surgeon... The cyst is still very large however the image that was taken 3 weeks ago compared 2 todays image shows a small amount of decrease in size... Doctor wants us back in 4weeks for new CT... Shared with us that it's going to be a long, slow process...      Thanks for your prayers...


  1. I am so glad to hear there was a decrease in size, even if it was a small one. We will be praying for the long road ahead. We will pray that God's hand will be upon Jaden.

  2. Your Jaden is such a fighter. Glad for the small decrease and praying for the next CT to show even more.

  3. Sweet baby J. We continue to pray for him. I thought about offering you guys our gait trainer but I didn't think sweet J would like a HOT PINK one! ha! =) Expecting miracles for you guys!!!
