Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Morning

Woke up Easter Morning to find that the Bunny did find his way to our home and left Jaden a basket full of goodies. Wishing that we could of went to church with us all matched up but instead we stayed home and watched our sweet boy sleep so soundly in his bed. That's the best medicine he can get without nurses messing with him each hour. Very blessed that we was able to be home for Easter. My whole family came over after church and fixed a yummy meal James' favorite, Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, and Yeast Rolls. Then all the kids minus Jaden went up to James' parents for an Easter Egg Hunt, was perfect weather 75 and Sunny. James stayed home with Jaden so I could go up and take some pictures of the kids. What a fun day filled with good food, family, friends, and serving a Risen Saviour. After the hunt James parents came to visit Jaden and brought us more yummy food for supper....

Daddy showing Jaden his basket that the Bunny left for him...

Jaden giving his new bunny kisses...

Since Jaden wasn't able to go out Easter Egg Hunting, James and I decided to put all his eggs in his bed to let him hunt for them ...Maybe next year he will be able to hunt eggs all by hisself...


  1. I love the picture of him surrounded by the grass and Easter eggs. I am so glad you were HOME for the joyous (in so many ways) day of Easter.

  2. I love Jaden's Hoppy Easter shirt, so cute!!
