Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Seeing Seth For The First Time Up Close...

After Hanya's C-Section they took Seth to the Hi-Tech NIC-U because of his fast breathing and just wanted to double check everything with his heart to make sure it was all ok...Ran several different test and all came back good....He stayed in the NIC-U from Wednesday until Saturday...so this was Hanya's first time to hold Seth since her surgery and after having some complications she finally got to go in to hold him...Only the Parents and Grandparents are allowed in to see the baby....my heart was racing from behind the window of the Nursery hoping to capture some great snapshots of their one on one time "Kangaroo Care"...the nurse that was on for the night saw me from behind the window and pointed for me to come over to the door....didn't know what she had up her sleeve, but she said scrub in and get in here to be with your sister....she told me that if it was her sitting where Hanya was and her sister was having to stand behind a window to watch all this take place, she just knew that her sister would be breaking the window down to get to her....Such a great Nurse....So I was very excited to get to be in there to watch her hold Seth for the very first time in her arms.....Priceless....He loved being skin-to-skin with his Mommy....
Oh, and he also told me that he was so glad to finally meet his Aunt Kacey too.....Uncle James was so sad but happy at the same time while I got to go in and he had to stand there and watch from the window.....

1 comment:

  1. What a nice surprise for you! The nurses in the NICU are great. Austin was there for 10 days and I don't think we had one bad nurse! They love the babies!
