Wednesday, May 26, 2010

3rd Annual Jaden's Day Celebration

We got to share our story with our Local Paper this past Friday....Was able to share with everyone our latest news on Jaden's follow-up with his Neurologist from last Thursday's appointment...Our hearts have been so heavy that we couldn't find the right words to talk about it here on our blog...So with that being said I have added the link to our story from this weeks paper....I might add that it made the front page.....The sweet young journalist done an amazing job writing it. It's exactly perfect, the way we wanted our story to be shared.....With tears streaming down my face, We pray that it will be a blessing to everyone and that the 3rd Annual Jaden's Day will be a success......

The LaRue County Herald News, Sports, Entertainment and information for LaRue, Kentucky


  1. That is a wonderful article to feature your family and the good works you are doing!

    With Jaden's recent diagnosis, no comment here will be able to express what I feel for you. Please just know that when I am in prayer, Jaden is always on my heart and I will never stop praying for him.

  2. Jaden's precious life has already touched so many. And with each new year, you continue to amaze me. EVERY child deserves such selfless parents dedicated to helping them be the best they can be. We all learn so much from the two of you. Praying for you on Jaden's special day and wishing we were there to celebrate him with you!

  3. That is a great article they wrote. I wish we could be there for Jaden's Day! We can't wait to hear all about it!
