Monday, July 26, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Our Class

This years theme to our Vacation Bible School was "Sea Quest" Diving For God's Treasure. James and I got to teach the 9 and 10 year old class this year. We haven't gotten to teach in a couple of years so we were very excited to be able to this year. Our first night was last Sunday and we started off with 4 in our class by Friday night, the last night we had 15. The kids along with us had a great time studying God's Word and learning that He alone is our Ultimate Treasure. Jaden stayed in the nursery this year with his Mammaw and Aunt Hay Hay, they kept him for us so we could teach. We didn't know how he would do staying in the nursery since he has issues with loud noises and other little kids sometimes, well needless to say the Lord answered our prayers about him liking it. He had the best time in there and  made the cutest little crafts ever. What a blessing it was to be able to take part in this years VBS and to be able to teach each of these kids that they are a priceless treasure in God's eyes.

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