Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Houston = Meeting our Nephew Mason for the 1st time

After spending our last day at Galveston Beach it was time to pack up and head back towards Houston. We planned to stop there to meet James' Sister Wanda's little boy Mason. We had never gotten to meet him and
 we were so excited. We met at Rudy's Bar-B-Q and ate supper together...We only had a couple of hours to spend with them since we had a long trip back to Quinlan. It was a short visit but we were so thankful for our time together. Looking forward to seeing them again and hopefully it won't be such a short visit.
Great Yummy Bar-B-Q
Such a Cutie...
Uncle James and Mason
Jaden and Mason...Mason was trying to figure out who this little boy was....
Aunt Wanda and Jaden
So thankful we finally got to meet our sweet nephew Mason
Uncle Bobby, Mason, Aunt Wanda, and Jaden
All of us together posing in front of the 7up sign
Mason and I
James with his sister

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