For Pre-School Jaden has been learning the color Red...his teacher Mrs. Courtney brought with her something fun to work on with Jaden, RED PAINT...Her and Jaden painted the Little Hen together RED...
Jaden's Little Red Hen
Pappaw Henry bought Jaden some chickens for Easter this year and at Mother's Day I took several pictures of them together down at the Chicken House. I thought it would be so perfect to include them with this post of Jaden's Little Red Hen...
Jaden and Pappaw sitting together watching the Chickens peck... |
Jaden loves to go down to the Chicken House with his pappaw...
he will sit on his lap and make "Buck Buck" sounds... |
I couldn't imagine my life without my grandparents growing up...I pray each day
that Jaden will have the kind of memories stored inside his heart of his grandparents
like how I do of mine some day when he's all grown up... |
love this one... |
Nate goes down each night to gather all the eggs for Jaden...
This is FogHorn LegHorn "Mr. Rooster"...Jaden's lil Rooster
that says Cock a is so sweet to hear Jaden say this...
Pappaw taught him how to say it... |
so you might be wondering why Pappaw bought all these Chickens for Jaden? Well
to be honest, he said he bought them for Jaden and Seth (our lil nephew) but really deep
down inside, he wanted them too...along with the Duck, and the Pig...So Pappaw has a Mini Farm now... |
Jaden and Pappaw will go down each time we come over for a visit...Jaden likes to
stick his little hand way down into the Feed Bucket and grab a handful of crushed
corn to throw into the Chicken House for them to eat...they are the friendliest little Chickens...they love it
when the kids come to visit them...I guess it's because they were so little babies when dad got them and
that they consider us their's just so sweet... |
yes Corn goes everywhere...all in Mommy's hair, Jaden's hair and have even found
corn down his diaper as well... |
This is Mr. Quacky...he's the only little duck that pappaw has...his little companion
not long go got eaten by a Coyote...he was so sad and lonely, so Pappaw placed him
in with the chickens...they accepted him with open (chicken legs) and now they are all
Happy Friends... |
oh and we can't forget that they all love fresh Green Grass we each will pick
a handful to give to them...They love to see all of us walking down to their house... |
So there you have it...The story of Jaden's Little Red Hen and all his Chickens or should I say, Pappaws Chickens...
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