Thursday, June 30, 2011

Take me out to the BallPark...

This summer has been SUPER busy and with the warm, sunny weather comes countless games out at the BallPark. James and I have been wanting to go see Shelby, Nate and Jagger play since they all 3 were on Teams this year. So thankful that we were able to go and catch them all playing on the same night. Jaden does not care so much about all the screaming fans, so we made our BallPark stop short and sweet. Long enough for us to take some quick snapshots and away we went.

Our Little Nephew Jagger's Team

Jagger with his Daddy (James' Brother)

Shelby Ann's SoftBall Team

Shelby (my niece) and I after her game

Nate (my little Brother) during his game

Nate's Team

Nate at Bat

The Big Swing


So glad I got to see him HIT ONE...
can you tell he was excited for his HIT

Seth loves all the excitement, he has spent most
his Summer out at the BallPark, but I believe
that he mostly likes these YUMMY Popsicles
they sell at the Concessions Stand...

Our little Nephew...Super Sweetness

Jaden and his Daddy

Jaden and Aunt Hanya

What a FUN night out at the BallPark


  1. Looks like such a fun, family night out at the ballpark! You look amazing!!!

  2. I just love going to ball games for kids. So fun!
