Thursday, July 2, 2009

1 year Ago Today

Since the first time we laid eyes on our baby, if you have ever got to experience this, you know the feeling of "bringing baby HOME". James and I was so excited and at the same time we were scared to death.....A healthy baby is scarry enough and at the same time a baby that has had heart surgery, several brain surgeries, and could'nt eat like a normal baby, you can imagine how we must have felt.

On July 2nd of last year we got to bring Jaden home from the hospital for the first time ever. Jaden was 106 days old. Jaden never really seemed like our's until this day. We knew that we had a baby but we had help every single day taking care of him and every night we had to leave him at the hospital, that was hard. But we longed for that day to come and it's so hard to believe it has been a year today.

It's so amazing where God has brought us from and where we are today. Jaden has had several more surgeries since our Journey Home and the hospital has been another home away from home for us, but we are praying so hard that this past brain surgery he underwent will be his last.

We praise the Lord for His watch-care over our family and we are so blessed to have Jaden in our lives. We never knew how much joy a baby could bring to your life and he has done just that. It has been a trying and wonderful year and we are looking forward to whats to come.
My pictures are all backwards.......

still learning..........

Jaden's first time seeing his Nursery
he wasn't very excited at first.

Our Family gave us a Warm Welcome

with Banners and Balloons!!!!!!!!

James and Jaden about to walk in HOME

Jaden's first time ever in a car, car seat and Mommy's

first time ever riding in the back with a baby!!!!!!

Getting ready to get buckled in......

Proud Parents Going Home from the NIC-U

after 106 DAYS!!!!!!!!


  1. Such a wonderful day!!! We love you guys and pray everyday that the hospital will not be your home away from home anymore... just a distant memory! Happy "coming home" anniversary!

  2. Such a rollercoaster of a year for everyone, especially for you guys, but we pray every day that it's much smoother here on out!!! We love you!
