Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Decoupage Night

I have been wanting to Decoupage our Wedding Napkin onto a plate for several years now. James and I received a plate that a friend had made us as a Wedding Gift almost eight years ago. She attended one of my Bridal Showers and saved one of the napkins from it and put it onto a plate without us ever knowing that she had saved one just for that. We was so excited when we opened it and realized what it was. Our plates a gift that's priceless.

Mollie and me painting the 1st coat

What brought it all about was that I wanted to make one for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's 10th Wedding Anniversary so

I dug and dug and dug through box upon box upon box looking for their Wedding Napkin that I had saved from their special day (I have saved a napkin from every wedding that I have ever been to). James and I have moved twice since they got married so it was a task looking for it, but I knew it had to be somewhere. So when I finally found it I came across my friend Mollie and her husband's, several other different one's and of course I found ours also. So when Mollie and Kinsey was here the other day I asked Mollie if she wanted to put our napkins onto a plate and she said yes. She went to the lovely Wal-Mart and bought our clear 8inch plates for only $1.oo, I already had the brushes and the Decoupage and that's all we needed to start our plates. It's a two day project so I will post pictures of the plates when they are all completed and dried.....

Our Wedding Napkins

waiting for the 1st coat to dry.....
What a fun night we had, can't wait to see how they turn out........


  1. I have been telling everyone here about your plate after I saw it when we came for Jaden's b-day. I want to do one for us... but I am not so crafty. I need to get my crafty friend to help me make ours! It is such a good way to preserve your wedding napkin!

  2. What a great idea! I have a ton of left over wedding napkins! Praying for your family!

    Amanda Estes
    Susan's sister's (Stephanie) sister-in-law :-)

  3. Thanks to you I got mine 2yrs ago! and I loved It! it is in the china hutch with shelby's baby shower one! thanks to you again! mabe you should go into doing crafts , like a store or something and Jaden could just be your Lil Helper
