Monday, July 13, 2009

Second Tooth

Jaden has been a grumpy little bear today, his second tooth has made it's way through the gums. It has really bothered him so much that we had to cancel his first physical therapy appointment since his surgery. The surgeon released Jaden to get light physical therapy until his next MRI, so maybe by next Monday his second tooth won't be bothering him and we can get his therapy up and going again.

Peeking up through my gums, my second tooth came today, look real close it's pearly white and more are on the way
I've been chewing, drooling, and biting helping my tooth along but now it's here and and everyone cheers cause my toothless grin is gone


  1. Kacey, I LOVE your new family picture!! It is beautiful! You have to mail me one if you have any extras!
    Yay Jaden for getting another tooth! They won't stop now! They will be sprouting left and right!

  2. He aint no Lil Bear! He is an ANGEL!! Those teeth Hurt coming in Shelby had a rough time!

  3. After all Jaden has been through with pain, it's funny that his pearly white is giving him trouble. Bless his heart! Try teething rings chilled in the fridge and even a cool washcloth rubbed on his gums for the next one!
