Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jaden's Incision

We took Jaden to his brain surgeon yesterday to have his incision looked at. For the past several days it has gotten a little bit redder so we were very concerned, thinking that it may have gotten infected.
Praise the Lord the surgeons nurses thought that it looked great. They shared with us that the top part of the incision is skin over the skull and it's different than the skin that covers the neck which is so much more tender. We was very thankful that they thought it was healing up nicely.
Our follow-up appointment was scheduled for tomorrow but since we went in yesterday, we don't have to go back until August. That's when they will do a new MRI to check where the cyst was cut and make sure it's draining, our prayer is that it will be completely gone.
Please continue to pray for healing and strength and that the brain stem and spinal cord is healing and going back to normal as well. We know that our Lord is in control and we pray His will be done.


  1. It breaks our hearts to see his incision and know what kind of pain he has been in. We are so thankful that it is healing properly! We will be praying for the upcoming August appointment... praying that they cyst will be gone! We love you!

  2. It must always be so reassuring to hear great news from the doctors when you have been worrying about things at home. I'm glad the incision is healing and we are praying for the next appointment.

  3. Praying your same prayer...gone, done, finished, FOREVER!!!!
