Monday, July 27, 2009

Working Out

Yesterday after church we came home and Jaden was ready for his exercises. Since his surgery he hasn't really liked tummy time because the back of his neck is still real weak, but we know he has to do it. He works out twice a day every day and since he will only tolerate 10 to 15 minutes of tummy time, we do this 4 or 5 times throughout the day. We got him Johnny Jump Up at Christmas and he hated it, we're sure it was because he was so sick with his VP Shunt not working properly. So we decided to bring it back out again to see what he thought about Mr. Johnny Jump Up now since he is starting to feel better and starting to bear weight on his little legs. He didn't now what to think about it at first but then he started to like it. We're sure after he gets stronger he will start to like it more.
tummy time...
holding his head up so good, he just started being able to lifting it up again...

look at me, look at me...

aah, let me rest for just a minute...

Mr. Johnny Jump Up...

trying to figure out what in the world is this thing...

Hoping that he will do good today at the Gym. Last week was his first visit back since surgery and now that it's summer time they changed our time from 1pm to 3pm and there was a lot more kids there, he didn't like it too much. Today's visit our therapist recommended that we go in a private room away from all the other kids and hopefully he will like it better.