Tuesday, August 11, 2009

15 Month Check-Up

Took Jaden yesterday to get his 15 month check-up, we are a little bit off schedule because we had to wait 8 weeks after his last brain surgery. he had to get his Chicken Pox, HIB, and MMR shots as well, that was horrible....We did not get very good news about his overall measurements...He has lost a whole pound in 2 weeks, so our Pediatrician is very concerned. We have changed his diet just a bit and the pediasure that we have been supplementing in between feeds in his sippy cup will become a regular feed, every other formula feed now. He will get a whole formula feed which is Similac Sensitive 24 calorie and then he will get a whole feed of Pediasure 30 calorie. Not sure why the loss in weight except now he is starting to be more active, and he gets therapy three times a week, and he is also eating more by mouth, all on his own, that could possibly be taking away some calories. She wants to see us back in the office in two weeks for a weight check.

We talked about Jaden's overall assessment which to me is so heartbreaking.....This wasn't just a normal 15 month check-up, He is so far behind and it is killing James and I, we know that it's not his fault, he has been through it....14 surgeries is enough....But to go and see all the milestones up on your Pediatrician's wall what your toddler should be doing this, this, and this by this stage absolutely makes me sick to my stomach....He can't even sit up all by himself for God's sake at 17 months of age....I could go on and on about all the milestones that Jaden has yet to reach but that doesn't change the fact that we desire for things to be different...why Jaden, why can't he be just like any other healthy kid that is enjoying being a toddler getting in to everything and exploring this great big, screwed up world....Yeah we know everything is for a reason and that God must have something great planned for his life, that's great in all but right now seeing him be like this and not knowing if he will ever walk or get to run and play is really taking it's toll on us and our marriage. We have faith in The God that created this universe and spoke everything in to existence but we are having a real hard time at this point in our lives when we know where Jaden should be but isn't....He is still so weak in his upper body, but could it be he might always be like this???? He is bearing weight a little but not great, could it be this might always be?????? Even our own pediatrician can't tell us that it's just because of having so much done to him.....We don't know if this is why he's so far behind. We just want some answers and no one is helping...It's just a wait and see game. We are so tired of the waiting game....We want to see major improvements and it's not happening....The growth curve and all the little steps that she showed me where he should be and where he actually is, I couldn't even hardly stand there.....my heart is breaking, our hearts are breaking...We try to act like we are ok but there comes a time like this blog entry............................It has to be made known............Does anybody care???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I try to be the best mommy I can be and I'm closer to the Lord now than I ever have been in my whole entire life and I just only hope and pray that God will give us the desires of our hearts and if He chooses for Jaden to have CP then we will deal with it, but no one will give us an answer......

We have so many people that pray each and every day for us, I honestly think that this is the only thing keeping us together and going. Please help us pray for his weight gain and his strength. Please.....Please.....Please......


  1. Keep the faith! There are so many people that love you all and are praying so hard for all of you!! We love you so much! There is only one that knows all of these answers and it's so hard to be patient and wait...but we have to try as much as we can. Love you!!!!

  2. James and Kacey...faithful servants...when you get tired and weary know that we are praying for you. I cannot imagine how tough those appts are. There is no checklist on the wall more powerful than the accomplishments Jaden has overcome. I am thankful that YOUR miracle, had 14 surgeries, is still with you AND he smiles...the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. And every picture I see of you and James looking into his precious face...shows a look of pure love. A love with no boundries. A love that we cannot understand because we have not traveled your path. It is not fair and his struggles will forever be something that we do not understand. But he has already taught us much more than any other little boy his age! I am praying for answers whatever they might be and that God continue to give you and James the strength you need. Love you.

  3. James and Kacey,

    We will continue to pray for both of you and for sweet Jaden!

    Brad and Samantha

  4. Oh Kacey, your emotion is so honest and raw. I do not know the pain you must be feeling when you ask the WHY questions, but I can only imagine the pain that God felt when he saw His only Son suffer on this Earth on the cross. And He knew the plan, the outcome, the answers and the hope all rolled into the one that is our Lord and Savior. We do not know what tomorrow will be for Jaden. We do not know what tomorrow will be for any of us. At these deep, dark valleys in life, we have to just live in each moment, knowing God is there, always present -- holding Jaden, holding you and James (together, in your marriage, that is bound by God's love) --- holding you and promising you the moment.

    We will be praying extra hard for you tonight, our brother and sister in Christ. For peace in each moment.

  5. O I dont even know where to start! But I do know That Jaden has the Best Mommy and Daddy in the WHOLE wide world, And he is getting stronger and God is still in control, There is a puprose a reason Jaden is the way he is and Only God knows WHY!!! I Pray every single Day That Jaden will grow up to be as Normal as Normal can be, it is just gonna take a while but in Gods eyes we dont have a clock to watch or a chart to go by, we are waiting on the Lords Time!Ny Little Sweet Nephew will Grow to be as strong as God wants him to be He has gotten him this far and I forsee him getting him further!
