Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Haircut with Mommy

Jaden just got his first big boy haircut at a Hair Salon. Laura, Tim's girlfriend has been cutting Jaden's hair at home but since he has been feeling better I wanted him to go with me so we could get get our hair cut together......
Amy putting his little CARS cape on....
He was such a good little boy...

Wasn't sure how he would do with the blow dryer because he has never had that done before, but I didn't want him to fall asleep on the way home with hair all over him and not be able to get a bath before nap time.....Needless to say he LOVED the blow dryer...I thought that he was gonna fall asleep right there in my lap....Thanks Amy for a great First Hair Cut together.....

Amy putting baby powder all around his little neck.....