Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hands and Feet...

My little hands play patty-cake
They peek-a-boo and wave.....
They catch me when I learn to walk,
And splash me as I bathe.
They hold your fingers tightly
And touch your heart so deep...
My little hands reach out to you
For hugs before I sleep.....
My little hands are tiny now
But yours will serve and guide me.
And when I'm grown I'll reach out
And know you're right beside me.
Two little feet, ten little toes,
Leave their impressions today.
Soon they will be running and jumping at play.
Two little feet, too little time,
Before they are
Kicking a rock, wading a puddle
Or walking to school.
Two little feet, One little child,
Will soon go their own way,
But footprints in my mind recall,
They stood here yesterday.


  1. Jadens Feet is much sweeter than your feet!!!lol.... but Love it!

  2. Such sweet little hands and feet (yes I am talking about Jaden's, but I will be nicer than Hanya and say yours are sweet too :)
