Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of Fall

AUTUMN LEAVES heaven’s hands have touched this tree, turned all the leaves to gold. Each day an angel walks by here, as Autumn winds blow cold. Those crimson leaves are tears of grief, dropping from dark skies; remind us of Christ’s suffering and his sacrifice....
took these pictures last fall 2008
Across the road from our home....Sunrise on an Autumn Morning...

North L and N Turnpike Road, Hodgenville Kentucky

Absolutely Breathtaking....A tree in one of our neighbours yard...So sad that the ice storm that hit took part of this tree...can't wait to see how this same tree will look this fall....stay tuned...


  1. Wow, fall in KY is so much prettier than in TX!!! Wish we were there to see it!

  2. Wow, those pictures are beautiful! Susan is right, a fall day in KY is prettier than the ones we have here in Texas!!
