Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lost my Mammaw

This morning at 7:50 my Mammaw Rosia went HOME to be with the Lord....not hurting anymore....So thankful for the Lords comfort and grace...she looked so thankful for all the nurses at the Nursing Home that cared for her...Really touched my heart when they all lined the hallway when the Funeral Home carried her out......Please remember to pray for our family during this sad time.....The next couple of days is gonna be hard... Already longing for the day when I will see her again....I loved her so......


  1. Oh Kacey, I have been thinking about you all morning. My heart hurts for you and the loss I know you feel. I will be praying for your family as you go through this week... and all the days ahead. We love you!

  2. My deepest sympathy for your loss. I will pray for God to supply you peace and strength through this hard time.

  3. so sorry for your loss! we hope in the coming days you will find comfort and peace! love you all!

  4. She sounds like such a special lady! I am glad for the legacy she has left you and am praying for you during this time. I know you must miss her so badly.
