Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baby Hensley's Shower

Had a great turnout for my sisters shower...Lots of fun....Good Food.....Tons of Presents.....Great Family and Friends......Can't believe in just 3 short weeks my little niece Hensley will be here....Can't wait.....
Tessie's theme for her Nursery is Elephants and I loved making her Baby Shower Cake...Took her Curtain from her bedding and cut out the Elephant and it turned out just perfect....

The two baby BUMPS.....
Can't believe Hanya and Tess are pregnant at the same time....

Tess, Myself, Hanya, and Our Mom

1 comment:

  1. Hensley is a very pretty name. You all look so pretty at the shower! You will have to let me know when she has her and post a pic!
