Sunday, December 27, 2009

Halloween 2009

Since Jaden couldn't go out Trick-Or-Treating this year due to him not being able to be around anyone Before his surgery we had all his little friends come see him at home from the porch....We was a little upset not being able to take our Little Lovable Lion out but it turned out to be a great night handing out candy to all our sweet Little Friends and Family instead....
Our little Lovable Lion

Had to show off his cute little tail...

Full Moon on Halloween Night...


Jenna and Jagger

Halle and Elam

Jesse, Dallas, and Savannah




Our last trick-or-treater of the night was this cute little mouse on our front porch....He was wanting some candy too.....

1 comment:

  1. Jaden is one of the cutest lions I have ever seen! Those whiskers are adorable!
