Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ronald McDonald Benefit

Campbellsville University had a benefit auction to help raise funds for our local RMH and a student there that graduated from our Christian School asked us if we would come and share our story....
James gave an awesome speech and a lot of money was raised for The Ronald McDonald House. Thanks Campbellsville University and Sylvia White for letting us share our experience of living at the RMH for 106 days. Thanks Timmy and Hodges Auction Company for doing such a great job.

Sylvia and her friends that put all this Huge Benefit together for Ronald McDonald House
James sharing our story of living there for 106 days March 18th - July 2nd 2008
Very thankful for RMH and all the wonderful things they did for us...

Our centerpiece on our table...

The GRAND TOTAL raised 3,000.00!!!! All will go to our Local RMH in Louisville...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is amazing! Your story has touched so many hearts and lives.
