Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

The night before Thanksgiving my whole family spent the night with us...It's a new tradition that we've started ever since my Grandparents passed away....This was our 4th time doing this and did we ever have a great time....We had so much fun that there was hardly any pictures taken...Never even got 1 single picture of the whole family together or even just one of James, Jaden and myself....It will always be remembered without any pictures....However I was able to capture the new tradition that we just started this year....My dad had the bright idea to let the kids carve the Turkey.....Nate and Shelby got to help my Mom butter up that fat bird the night before Thanksgiving and they was so excited about helping carving the Turkey when the right time came.....Well needless to say my Dad was planning a trick on the kids....He baked a couple of Cornish Hens to help with making more broth for more dressing without ever letting the kids know...Well when it was time to carve the Turkey, he placed the little hen on the great big Turkey Platter and the picture says it all....Nate and Shelby just looked at that little, little, baby Turkey (Nate called it)....And they said "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TURKEY???????" Nate asked mom did you cook it too long and it shrinked???? Their faces was priceless.....

After a few good laughs they brought out the Big Bird and we will remember this for the rest of our lives....

Dad making his famous biscuits.....

Jaden helped Papaw with the biscuits.....he had flour all over him....

Thankful for His virgin birth, His virtuous life, His vicarious suffering, His victorious resurrection, His blessed forgiveness, peace that passes all understanding, tender mercies, amazing grace, and wonderful love..."Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness" Psalms 107:8

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