Thursday, January 28, 2010


This past Friday our therapist brought us one of Jaden's exercise equipment that has been on back order for months....A "Creepster Crawler"....I'm not sure who was the most excited about it....Jaden, his therapist, or James and I....Just to see him in it makes him look like such a big boy....He has only been able to tolerate being in it for 15 minutes with each try....But every time he gets in it will help with learning how to bear weight on his little knees, arms, and hands....He has never been able to be in this position until now with the help of this AMAZING piece of therapy equipment....To who ever invented it, I'm so grateful because it is allowing my baby to be able to experience the crawling motion and he will start to learn to be able to do it all on his own......SOMEDAY.....
just to see him in this brings tears to my eyes because I've never been able to see him in this position until now and it makes me to oh so want him take off crwling all by his self....

As you can see..... yes we was bribing him with a RINGPOP and it sure did work too, because
he had to work extra hard to keep coming closer and closer if he wanted a lick.......Did I mention it was WATERMELON flavor....

What a fun and exciting day watching Jaden work so hard....Now we are praying that his brain cyst is draining and will continue draining so he can keep up this hard work and start seeing some progress that he so deserves.....


  1. I'm so thrilled for your family! We will continue to keep sweet Jaden in our prayers!

  2. What an amazing invention!! Way to go sweet Jaden!!

  3. How fun!!! Looks like he loves it!!! Take off and crawl Jaden!!!!!
