Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jaden's Mail

letter from Blake
Jesus Heals A Sick Man
John 5 : 1-9

Get Well Door Hanger that he made for Jaden
(It's hanging on his Nursery Door)

Jaden loved the bright colors that he picked for the flowers...
We know beyond a shadow of doubt that there are countless Prayer Warriors out there for Jaden because that's how we have come this far with his 22 months of sickness, but to just mention and name of one that we know for sure that has cried out to God and asked for healing for Jaden is Blake (Our little Cousin that lives in Texas)....Jaden received a letter in the mail this past Saturday from him that said he had learned a story in Sunday School about Jesus healing a sick man and that Jesus can do anything it went on to say that he was praying for Jaden's Brain Cyst and that the Lord would shrink it because Jesus can do anything.....
We are so thankful to know that we have Great Family and Friends that pray each and every day for us.....
We was reminded through a child's Sunday School lesson that Jesus can do anything if we ask in Faith believing....
We are trusting in the Lord that Jaden's Brain Cyst is draining now with the new adjustment and when we go this coming week for his new Head CT we will get a good report.....

1 comment:

  1. "You are welcome Jaden Love, Blake"

    Blake told me to type that... he loved seeing it hanging on Jaden's door!
