Saturday, February 6, 2010

First Time Babysitting Hensley

Tess my little sister had her Gallbladder removed on Friday and needed someone to babysit Hensley.....I was super excited when she called and asked if I thought I would be able to handle her plus Jaden.....I laughed and said oh yeah I can handle it....So early Friday morning she was dropped off at our house and we had the perfect day together....she is such a great and happy baby......She was super good and Jaden was super jealous.....but for the most part he was just trying to figure her out......Here's a couple of pictures I took of her while Jaden was napping.....

She's so beautiful...
and yes she's definatly spoiled and she's only 1 month old.....

her sweet little ear...
paci......loves her NUK just like Jaden
she has the perfect sweetest little face....

her little hands....

snoozing in Jaden's little glidder....

Hensley Kylan Ann

already eating those little fingers....

her favorite thing to a little pig.....

laying on Jaden's dresser....

her sweet little feet.....

Just can't get enough of her.....
So very thankful that Tessie's surgery went great and that in a couple of weeks she should be feeling better.....looking forward to the next time we will get to watch little Miss Hensley.....

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