Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jaden's CP Shunt Update (Brain Cyst)

With tears flowing down my face as I am typing this update….we are so happy to say that Jaden’s head CT this morning showed that the Brain Shunt is working and that the cyst is draining, just very slowly….Our Surgeon shared with us how relieved he was just to know that the shunt responded to the new adjustment and that we know the shunt is working properly…..He said that we have made a ½ step in the right direction….Just going to be keeping a close watch on the cyst over the next several months….He went on to say to us that Jaden should continue to slowly gain strength in his legs as the cyst continues to decrease and the spinal cord continues to move back to its normal position…..Thank you to all the one’s that remembered to pray for us because the Lord heard and He has answered them…..God is so real , He loves us so much, we are clinging to Him, and we know that He’s going to see us through this….
We are trusting in this verse: Arise, cry out in the night: pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward Him for the life of thy young children. Lamentations 2:19
“Seasons of the Soul”
A season in the rain will end at last,
A season full of pain will surely pass,
The reason will be plain someday
When love reveals its goal.
Such are the seasons of the soul.


  1. Praise the Lord! I am so happy for you all. I will continue to pray for sweet little Jaden as he gets more strength!

  2. The McIntire household has been rejoicing! When I came home from work and told Blake the good news, the biggest grin came across his face. We will continue to pray for that cyst to DRAIN!!!!

  3. Oh praise Him! You have so many people praying for your sweet Jaden. We will continue to pray for the cyst and for him to gain strength in his legs. I always follow you on here and ask Susan about updates. I'm not on Facebook, so I don't see information there. We look forward to the day we will meet you!

  4. I am so thankful that the CT scan showed the cyst to be draining. I will continue to pray for all of you. Your faith in God is such a marvelous testimony to others. Keep clinging to HIM as you go through this journey with your family. Jaden's pictures show what a precious child God has blessed you with and also what loving parents Jaden has in return. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
