Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Awaiting a new Head CT tomorrow

Tomorrow Jaden will get a new Head CT to check the brain cyst to see if it's draining....We continue to pray conscientiously. We expect to see miraculous answers to our prayers. But we have learned to leave things in God's hands, trusting that even if He does not give us what we ask for or want, He will give what is best....
We don't have all the answers but we know who does....Do we have the capacity to comprehend the reason for such things? I think that many of the unexplained secrets of suffering are beyond us... And even if we were to understand the depth of the meaning, it still wouldn't satisfy the pain we feel....
There have been some things revealed to us through Jaden's experience and we have learned so much....We've seen the condition of our hearts , the anger and sense of being stranded. We've wrestled with the unfairness of life, and have been down for the count....Yet we can honestly say that underneath it all, we've sensed the everlasting arms and we will continue to lean on them for survival. We've found God faithful and consistent, with the grace we needed, at the crisis moment when we needed it although we wanted it before then.....We've experienced the warmth and comfort of the Scriptures to our cold souls, and we have never before experienced the closeness of God's Spirit until now as we cry out in agony Oh God heal our baby and take this brain cyst that's causing him so much grief completely away please do not allow him to have to endure another horrible brain surgery....
Please help us pray that the cyst is draining, if not when we meet with the surgeon tomorrow another surgery will be planned.....
We covet your prayers and will post his new updates as soon as we can....


  1. I'm so glad I read this today, as I will be praying for your visit tomorrow. Thank you for opening your heart to us on this blog, you describe your emotions and your unbelievable faith with such clarity.
    I'll be checking back for updates tomorrow.

  2. You are in our prayers always but I will be sure to be praying for you, James, Jaden and all of the dr's tomorrow.

  3. We will continue to pray for you as the day has now come to check on the cyst. We are amazed and in awe of your continued faithfulness. You are an awesome example to our family. We love you.
