Tuesday, February 2, 2010

House 4 Sale

After much prayer James and I have decided to sell our home and downsize.....We placed the For Sale Sign in our front yard yesterday, Feb 1st.....We have the perfect peace about it and know that the Lord has a new plan for us as we will be starting all over again for the 3rd time....3rd times always a charm right?
When we built this home 3 years ago we didn't know what the future held for us and that we would have a sick baby, that I would have to quit my job to be able to stay home with him to take care of him. With one income things have been extremely tight but the Lord has always provided....We are trusting that our house will sell quickly since we both feel it's the Lords will that we do this.....We have accepted what has happened to us as part of God's plan for our lives...We do not understand why, but we are trusting Him...because He is so trustworthy...
Please help us pray that the perfect couple will buy our House and that it will happen soon....
We have been looking at some land on Leafdale Road and praying that our offer on it will go through so we can get started on a single level home that's smaller for us and that will fit our
budget since I will not be able to go back to work until we know 100 percent that Jaden's where he needs to be physically....

~ We've received nothing we wanted
We've received everything we needed
And our prayers have been answered~

1 comment:

  1. So many memories in that house... some of my favorites include James and Blake watching Shrek in the basement and Blake being scared to death! Another great memory was celebrating Jaden's first birthday. We were so honored to be a part of such a special day. We know that just as we made good memories in the first and second house... we will make great ones in the third house too! We are praying that God will continue to provide for your family through this new endeavor.
