Friday, March 19, 2010

BiRtHdAy BoY

Woke up to a warm, beautiful, sunny day...Was so excited that James (Daddy) took a vacation day so we could celebrate Jaden's 2nd Birthday the whole day together....After nap time we loaded up in Daddy's truck and headed out to our friends house to take some pictures on their farm...The theme for Jaden's Party this year "Classic Cars".....We picked this theme since his favorite thing to say is Vroom....Vroom....I might add that I got a little picture happy and couldn't stop taking pictures.....So I couldn't pick and choose which one's to add to our Blog....So I actually added every single one......I wanted to get Jaden's 2nd Birthday Picture in front of this old car, since that's his party theme.....I'm so happy how they all turned out.....After being on the farm we loaded back up in the truck to go get the Birthday Boy some Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins...He's just like his daddy LOVES,LOVES,LOVES Ice Cream......He got his very own little scoop of strawberry....Our fun day ended at the park where we spent most of the day basking in the sun, thanking the Lord for Jaden. As we reflected on his 2 years of life, It's been 2 years of ups and downs, heartaches and smiles, trials and tribulations, miracles and blessings. God has been so good to us....He truly is our miracle baby and it's official, he is a BIG BOY now!!!!!!

Looking forward to his party tomorrow......


  1. He could not be any more precious in those BOOTS!!!!!

  2. I am so glad the three of you got to have such a great day together. Jaden is such a big boy with those teeth and boots!! Glad his special day included a scoop of his favorite flavor at BnR! You got some great pictures!!

  3. LOVE those CUTIE PIE boots! And the picture of Jaden with Kacey melts my heart...such a little blessing you have that is loved by so many! Happy Birthday Jaden.

  4. Great pictures!! Happy Birthday sweet Jaden!!

  5. Love those pics! That are wonderful! Such a sweet little man you have and such a special sweet littl nephew to us:) We love you and so glad he had such a wonderful b'day celebration!
