Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2nd Birthday "Classic Car Party"

This past Saturday we celebrated Jaden's 2nd Birthday.....His favorite thing to say is what gave us the idea for this years theme "VrOoM...vRoOm".....so we went with a Classic Car theme.....Thanks to Uncle Pat for sharing all his old cars with us to decorate with.....It's so hard to believe that our sweet baby boy is 2...

his balloons...

Wanted #2 cake shape pan but there's not one that exists so James helped me sculpt the cake into the # 2 so I could design the cake exactly how it turned out....I was very happy with it....Jaden loved it too.....

The Classic #2 Car Cake by: MoMmY.....

Jaden's Classic Car Cupcake...

all the old cars Uncle Pat let us use...

All his Birthday Cards that he got in the mail....

Waking up from NapTime....was a busy time getting the house just right before he woke up.....

Daddy showing Jaden his cake.....

everyone getting ready to sing to Jaden......

Jaden absolutely hates the Birthday Song.....He cries every time he hears it....the last couple of weeks leading up to his big day I would sing it to him....trying to get him used to it.....Well needless to say, it didn't work......I wanted to get some really good pictures with him in front of his cake while we all sang to him without him crying.....So I had everyone sing to Jaden his favorite song of all time.....Itsy Bitsy Spider....and ta da....look at that smile......he loves that song.....why sing a song he hates....it's a first time for everything.....and it was definitely a first time for every single person at Jaden's Birthday to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider instead of the traditional Happy Birthday To You song.....something we will remember forever...

such a BiG BoY now....

trying to get him interested in blowing his candle out...

he had lots of help doing so.....

Jaden with his very own cupcake.....

fingers in cupcake.....

wondering what in the world is this....

mostly played in it...was not interested in eating it at all.....He's definitely not a cake eater.....should have just given him Ice Cream instead...

Gift Time.....Bring on all those presents.....

was so excited....

Nate wanted to read Jaden's Birthday card to him....

Shelby reading hers to him.....

thanks Pappaw and Mammaw for the nice...loud.....drum......that Daddy likes to beat on.....

bath toys.......YEAH....

loves to play with balloons....

big boy smile.....

Birthday Boy

blowing kisses.....

so tired.....after a fun...fun....day.....

Jaden and Mommy

Mammaw Brenda and Jaden

Pappaw Henry, Mammaw Theresa, and Jaden

Jaden, Pappaw Jerry, and Mammaw Brenda

Jaden loven on Pappaw....

Pappaw Henry and Jaden

he loves both of his Pappaws so much....

Jaden and Uncle Jerry

Aunt Tess and Jaden

Uncle Pat and Jaden

Jaden sitting on Seth with Aunt Hay Hay....

Uncle Pat, Jaden, and Aunt Hay Hay

Hensley Kylan Ann

she was partied out........

Jenna giving Jaden his balloons....

Jagger, James, Jaden, and Jenna
Thank you Lord for 2 years....looking forward to sharing many, many, more birthdays to come.....
~Happy Birthday Jaden~

1 comment:

  1. The cake turned out perfect and the little cupcake sooo cute!! Wish we could have been there to help decorate and celebrate!! That is so fun that ya'll sang Itsy Bitsy Spider!! He looks adorable and so big!!
