Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meeting with Jaden's NeuroSurgeon today...

Took Jaden last Monday March 15th to get an EEG and a new head CT...He had a small seizure the Thursday before the test...the first one that he has ever had at home with us...So immediately I called his Neuro Team, and they scheduled these test...James and I took him to Kosair to get the test...the night before we had to keep Jaden up...The EEG test shows best when the brain is extremely exhausted and tired....It was a very hard task keeping him up when he was so tired....
Arrived at Kosair at 7:30 and was back home before 10:30 that morning...Got a call around 3:00 that same day from Jaden's NeuroSurgery Team....They shared with us that his Brain Cyst is not draining...Something that will have to be addressed in their Surgery Board on Friday....So this past Friday the Team met and discussed the next plan for this cyst....James and I go today to meet with them up in Louisville....they shared with us that his seizure was probably a mixture of the cyst filling back in and not draining, he had a small fever from teething, had a lot of vibration that same day teething on his toy (Vibration in mouth can trigger seizures...something that I was unaware of), and he was a little stopped up from where James and I had adjusted his Miralax since he was teething he had a little diarrhea from that....Several different reasons from where the seizure came in to play....But so thankful that we know now that the cyst is not responding to the only adjustment that could have been made to the shunt...
Praying for God to give Jaden's NeuroSurgeon Dr. Moriarty the perfect wisdom and guidance to go in a third time to get this cyst.....We know that physically Jaden is never gonna get better until the cyst is completely gone away from the brain stem and spinal cord....Our hearts are so broken but we have to keep trusting that all this is for a reason...
My devotion and bible verse this morning talked about "The Ultimate"..."Being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory,..." Ephesians 1:11-12...It is our ultimate purpose in life, our ultimate priority, our ultimate passion to spread the honor of God's HOLY name...It is the supreme reason for our existence...Our greatest goal is to please our Lord, and when that is taken into consideration, all other concerns fade away...Our God who spoke this world into existence, has shaped a future for each of us....God knows every tiny detail of Jaden's brain...He can heal it and that's what we are praying we go through this a third time we are just trusting that all this fits the Masters plan....because He gave Jaden's life to us, He designed each part......all that Jaden is and all that he can be...Lord you gave him to us, we give him back to YOU....
Please help us pray that the Lord will allow the doctors to help the cyst.....


  1. Know that countless prayers are being lifted up to the one, true, great God Almighty ~~ for the most precious little boy, Jaden.

    Your true and honest reflection on your posts amazes me. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

  2. We are praying with our whole hearts! We love you!
