Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jaden's 2 Year Check-UP

James and I took Jaden this past Friday to get his 18 month and 2 year Check-Up together. He was behind on his Immunization Shots since he was in the hospital back in November (18 months) for his last brain surgery. Jaden is smart enough to know that he does not have any part in the doctor's office, his Doctor, or any of their staff no matter how hard they try to get him to like them...He's been through way too much and he knows that girls in scrubs and white coats are bad news.....

WEIGHT: 20 Lbs and 3 Ozs
Length: 30 3/4 inches
Head Cir: 43 cm
Behind physically but praying that he will catch up in his own timing....not by the doctors charts....Lord thank you for being with us every step of the way these past 2 years.....It's all because of YOU that he's still with us...

We prayed for this child, and You granted us what we asked of You. I Samuel 1:27

was able to get these three photos of Jaden after the nurse and the doctor left the room....prior to that you would not have wanted to see any pictures of Jaden like that.....Didn't think we was ever gonna get him calmed down for a 2 year Check-Up picture....He was laying there playing with his hands....We was waiting for the nurse to come back in with his 3 shots....:-(

One day our world came crashing down,
We will never be the same...
They told us that our child was sick..
We thought, are we to blame?
We don't think We can handle this...
We're really not that strong..
It seemed our hearts was breaking..
As, We'd loved him for so long.
We will not give up on this child..
despite your best "advice"..
We will give our child a chance..
No matter what the price..
And we will learn all that we need..
to help our child to thrive...
We will even use that feeding tube..
Our child will survive!
And he'll need lots of therapy?
And he just can't gain weight?
Alright God we can do this..
we will not curse our fate.
Oh Lord, we just can't know your ways..
No matter how we try.
And yet, we trust You hold his life..
and guide us through each day
Our mind says savor each moment he's here...
From... wondering will he be alright?
to watching him reach out his hands..
with every smile, our hearts just melts..
despite life's harsh demands
For all who see that faded line..
we look to them and smile..
You see our child is loved so much..
We would face any trial...
That same scar we trace with our fingers..
It's the door to his beautiful heart
You must have known how much We'd love him..
Just as You loved him right from the start


  1. I love seeing his pearly whites shining! You are so right, we are praying for Jaden to catch up in His timing, not by the doctor's charts! That poem is wonderful!

  2. Oh, everytime I see his smile, it just makes me smile too. God gave you this little boy with the sweetest of spirits. It shines through in pictures. I can't imagine getting to see him in person -- hopefully that can happen one day and I can hug and kiss on him!!
