Friday, April 2, 2010

Update 4-2-10 @ 2:30 am

this picture was taken last year at my Aunt Lisa's house...Jaden's 1st Easter Egg Hunt...Praying that we can just be home this year for Easter if not we will celebrate our Saviors’ Resurrection here in the hospital...Before we left home we called the Easter Bunny to let him know that Jaden might be at Kosair for Easter, so he could bring his basket to him...Per Nate and Shelby's request....they was so distraught that the Easter Bunny wasn’t going to be able to find Jaden....Pure Innocence, a child's mind....

It's 2:30 am, Jaden is getting Morphine every 2 hrs and Loratab every 4 for pain, however he is on hourly Neuro Checks and Assessments, so not much sleep is happening. Just got his first full feed of formula and so far he has tolerated that, Praise the Lord this surgery is behind us, the first night after is the worst and we are almost through it...

Thanks for helping us pray....We are trusting that Jaden's one and only IV they was able to get will last our whole stay here in the hospital because he's an impossible IV stick...Has some really strong Pain Medicines being pushed through it plus all his antibiotics, both are extremely hard on the veins....Help us pray it will hold up and last....

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