Friday, April 2, 2010

Update 4-2-10 11:00 am

Elmo hanging out in Jaden's hospital bed with him...
His little eyes are so swollen this morning...It's from the position they had him in during surgery, face first and sideways....
Jaden patting my hand slowly

Got to hold Jaden this morning at 9 while the Neuro Nurse was here checking on his incision site...Thought it would be better holding him than trying to roll him over on his left side...he hates laying on his other shunt because it's so big and bulky...Felt so good to hold my sweet baby...It took him a bit to settle down from the initial move but once we got him situated with all the cords he went to sleep on me..


  1. I'm praying for sweet Jaden and your family!

  2. Bless his little sweet heart! I cannot even imagine how wonderful it must have felt to hold Jaden this morning. So glad he is in his mommy's arms!
