Friday, April 2, 2010

Update 4-2-10 at 7 pm (Good Friday)

Jaden's first time sitting up since surgery...

His Incision with Dr. Moriarty's trademark (heart bandage)

every nurse that sees a bandage in the shape of a heart means do not touch or remove. Our surgeon is very precise when it comes to infection control, so only his nurses takes care of his patients incisions, which is so awesome, he's the best....

Gonna be hanging out in the Intensive Care unit for another night since the hospital is completely full no other beds. Jaden tolerated us sitting him up in his bed for almost 15 mins, he got extremely tired after that, his little eyes and neck are still so swollen.

He is getting Loratab every 4 hours now for pain and has gone without any Morphine since 4 this early morning.

Thanks for your continuing prayers for us. We love you and so thankful this surgery is behind us. We are so relieved.

As James and I was sitting here thinking about what this day is and what it means to us Christians we came across this thought...Why is it called Good Friday? What's so good about it if He died? It's so Good because without the shedding of blood there's no remission for sin, the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin. Have you asked Him for forgiveness and accepted Him in your heart? If there were any other form of salvation for our hopeless soul...Is don't you think God would have made that known without His SON having to die?

1 comment:

  1. I love the heart bandage. We wish you a Happy Easter holding your sweet boy. We are always praying for your family.
