Monday, May 17, 2010


This past Wednesday was Jaden's 6 week follow-up with his Neurosurgeon...the CT showed just a slight decrease in size of the cyst from the prior CT which was 4 weeks ago....We was hoping for better news but we will take it....Very thankful that the cyst has come down a little, that lets us know that the new valve is working just a bit slower than we had hoped....Get to start light physical therapy at the Kids Center now which is where he gets Physical Therapy, hoping this will help him with his strength because he is still very weak from the surgery itself. He hasn't had any Physical therapy just OT and speech at home so we are very excited that he gets to start this up again but we know that we have to take it nice and slow because the cyst is still very large in size....Thanks for your earnest prayers!!!! They are working and the Lord is answering them, we can feel them...
Want to share something that touched my heart so dearly....Susan (cousin from Texas) shared with me by way of text message to my phone when I sent this same report to my whole phonebook that Blake (her 5year old son) said when she had got the message....he said "wow Mom my prayers must be working".....what a blessing to hear a 5 year old say.....The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much....Praise the Lord the prayers are working!!!!!


  1. We are praying that God will continue to drain the cyst whether baby steps or big steps... trusting in His timing! Blake prays so much for Jaden! We love you all!

  2. Glad you have the green light to start up the physical therapy. We will continue to pray for the cyst to drain and Jaden's strength to improve.
    Was thinking about you on Mother's Day and what a wonderful mommy you are to Jaden.
