Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Officially Moved

our new home for the next several months until our next home is built
Our new Address:
P.O. Box 381
Hodgenville, KY 42748

Back in April we posted on our blog pictures of our home with the 4Sale by Owner Sign in our front yard. After much prayer James and I decided to sell our home and downsize. After being on the market less than 2 months an offer was placed and we accepted it. We go this coming Tuesday June 29th, 2010 to close. It's so amazing how the Lord gives that perfect peace about our unknown future. We knew it was the Lords will to sell and we prayed for that perfect couple to come along to buy and that's exactly what happened. I just talked to them on the phone, they spent their first night in our (old) home last night and they wanted us to know how much they love it. We couldn't be any happier knowing that the Lord knows whats best in our lives and we just have to keep trusting Him.
Our pastor had made the comment to us what's next, where are you all gonna live? We said, well Tim (James best friend) said we could move in with him, My mom said we could stay with them,  James mom said we could stay with them, and of course Hanya (my sister) said we could stay with them. We said back to him not sure which is best just yet. He offered us the empty parsonage house that sits behind our Church and told us to pray about it and let him know. He mentioned we wouldn't have to worry about storage since we could move our whole house there and it would still be just the 3 of us and easier for Jaden to adjust without too big a change. So with all that being said we moved our whole house into the parsonage and gonna be here until our next home is built. Couldn't begin to describe to you how much the Lord amazes us and how He has worked everything out. 


  1. We can't wait to come stay in your new home! We have to try them all out :)

  2. What a perfect solution for temporary housing! How incredible how things fall into place -- all overseen by our Heavenly Father.

  3. :) I am so happy that housing, even if just temporary, worked out so well for you guys!!
