Tuesday, July 13, 2010

~Happy 234th Birthday America~

Started our 4th Celebration visiting a new Church. My cousin Whitney's Husband Matt gave his life to the Lord and accepted Christ as his personal Saviour a couple of weeks ago and his baptism was Sunday the 4th. Had a great service at their church Round Top Baptist. After the special service there we headed back to our church and celebrated the 4th with an after church Picnic. Lots of great food and fellowship.

Later that night we celebrated some more at Pat and Hanya's home with more great food, Ribs and all the fixins. Was hoping that this year Jaden would want to stay up for the Fireworks since last year he was so sick from just having surgery on the brain cyst. Well needless to say we were able to keep him awake and he absolutely loved them. I was so worried that some of them could cause a seizure but I covered his face on the one's that seemed real flashy and all the rest of them he just giggled and laughed at. James and I really enjoyed seeing the fireworks make him so happy, when it was all over he was wondering why they stopped. Had a great night celebrating our Freedom. The Lord truly has blessed us beyond measure and for that we are so grateful.

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