Saturday, August 7, 2010

Texas Vacation Day ~3~ Lunch Date

So thankful that our blogging allows us to keep in touch and to be able to see different one's that have been praying for us. It also allows us to be able to see different families that have been and are going through some of the exact same things that we have faced with Jaden and with their children alike. On our 3rd day in Texas James, Jaden and I were able to meet some of Jaden's biggest little prayer warrior friends for a lunch date at a place called the Cotton Patch.

The Baker girls Lana and Lydia have kept in touch with Jaden throughout the past couple of years by way of coloring special pictures and sweet little Get Well Cards and sent to him in the mail. They had never gotten to meet Jaden until our visit. They had him a gift (Alien Al Book of Funny Faces) with a page that they had colored that said " We Love You Jaden". He loved it so much he blew them kisses for it.
Jaden with Makenna and Allie
Jaden and I with Makenna and her mom Marianne

One day I was clicking through all of Susan's friends blog postings and came across the 5 MJ's Blog. We have been a follower of the Johnson Family blog ever since we saw a posting of their sweet Makenna and her taking off running all by herself in her special walker that was made for her. Her mom Marianne was video taping her outside walking in it and then all of a sudden she just took right off not walking but running. As James and I sat at our computer that day watching that video, the tears were streaming down our faces with bitter sweet joy in hopes that someday Jaden will be able to do just like Makenna and take right off just like she did that day. We have stayed close in touch through our blogs and also on FaceBook. I have read some of her postings and have just cried my eyes out because we share some of the same feelings about our kids. It was so good to meet up with them and see sweet Makenna. We know that it was a task for her to be able to make it out to see us and we are ever so thankful. She also has a helper named Allie and we were also able to meet her. Such a sweet girl that has a heart of gold. Could tell that she loves Makenna and takes great care of her. I'm sure the whole family loves her dearly.
Jaden with his little girlfriends Lana and Lydia
Jaden with David Hood and his Mom Jennifer

 David was born on the same day as Jaden's Birthday but 1 year later with a Hypoplastic Left Ventricle and has underwent 2 open heart surgeries. He lives in Texas and has a great Daddy, Mommy and Big Sister that helps take care of him. Our family has been praying for him ever since we found out about his heart condition and about this dear family. They will always be a part of our prayers each day. It was so amazing to actually get to see his sweet little face in person and finally get to meet them. When we walked in to the Cotton Patch and saw them for the first time, it was like we had already met. Our blogs have kept us close in touch. Our families together have been through so much and our short visit with them just wasn't enough. Can't wait till we can visit them again and talk about how wonderful Our Great God has been to us and our sweet boys.
As we sat and ate our lunches, Actually I didn't get to eat any of mine, I was so caught up in the moment talking and taking pictures. I knew we were not gonna have much time so I was trying to make the most of it. Our time came to an end and it was time to say goodbye to everyone. What a wonderful day we had. Made some great memories that will last a lifetime. James and I are so grateful for each of these families and all the prayers that they have prayed for us. So amazing to be able to say that we all have finally met. looking forward to our next Texas trip so we can all get together again. Definitely will have to eat at the same place so I will be able to know how great their food is.


  1. We were so happy to have met you in person. We will always pray for your family and follow the blog to see Jaden's progress. You and James are just amazing - sweet and warm and living for the Lord!
